Happy Almost Mid-Year

I celebrate the turning of a new year pretty seriously, except I can't seem to wrap my head around it in January.  It's in August that I'm planning my resolutions, reflecting on my growth, and making absurd lists of my goals.  

My life has somehow revolved around the public school system since pre-kindergarten, dangit, and I can't really adjust my life calendar now.  I'll say, "Happy New Year!" right after Labor Day.

School was back in session today after what felt like a very long break.  Our server was down and our hallways were cold.  Many students were absent, many plans were improvised, and the day felt nothing like the refreshing start of something bold and new.

Even though it's a mid-year slogging point professionally, I'm still really excited for 2014.  I have a lot of personal changes coming my way this year, and I know it'll be a very eventful period that will come with many adjustments and fresh perspectives.  One of my goals (which, obviously, I made last August) is to write about them.

It's going to be a really great 2014, I tell ya.


  1. For me, January 1st is just one of the markers of a fresh start for me... There's also September, November and June! Can't wait to read more here. Miss you!

  2. Oh, what special time markers we keep ... Miss you too!
