In My Brain / 05

Thank you, Internet, for the good things you're leaving behind.

Here are the things that have made my brain happy lately:

Humblebrag Generator: "Ugh, so annoyed.  People keep offering me jobs even though I'm not looking for work."

My creative process, reflected quite accurately.

I won't tell you how many rounds I played of this most amazing game.
(Do you recognize the voice the background music?)

Even the cool kids get rejected.

Also making me happy is the lettering work of Sean Tulgetske, whose lunch napkin (above) is far sexier than anything I've ever made.  I love the type-on-photography pieces the most.  Following him on Instagram will probably make your brain happy, too.


  1. love love love your instagram tip of @seantulgetske! i've been down his rabbit hole for hours now, and found this website i thought you might enjoy:

    hope all is well. and congrats to you and francis!


    1. Aahhhh that is my new favorite thing. Thanks! And congrats to YOU, lady! xo
