That's because in December, right before the holidays, we got engaged!
It felt like this. It still feels like this. I hope it doesn't go away, feeling like this.
We got really excited. And our families got really excited. And our friends.
And our to-do lists basically exploded with excitement.
I was living in a whirlwind throughout January, trying to organize the priorities and manage the anxieties in February, and now I'm back to being straight-up thrilled about all of the things.
We're. Doing. This.
Yay! Congratulations! This is wonderful news. :) I love this new blog theme btw. Also, I think your work using Twitter in the classroom is really great. I may want to do a blog post on it for my agency. I'll get back to you on it. :) Hope everything else is going well and that you get lots of moments of just embracing this awesome adventure in your life. :)
thanks! great to hear from you!