(The expressions on their faces didn't fully reflect the awesomeness I was projecting.)
It's true. Going to the movies might be my favorite solo activity. I would like to recommend it to everyone in the universe.
I would like to further recommend a contraband coffee and bagel for a weekend matinee.
Saturday morning I rode my bike down to Old City to see Still Alice, which is excellent and crushingly sad. In a room full of senior citizens I sobbed into my coffee, admired Julianne Moore's glowing excellence, and totally verified that going to the movies is not a friend-thing.
Oh hey!
I also did this other thing I used to do all the time, which I had almost entirely abandoned since moving: I carried my camera.
Here are some photos I snapped on my walk by the waterfront and around Old City.

Have I mentioned that I really, really love Philly? Because I really, really do.
Confession: I used to skip class in college to go to a matinee, usually the theatre on 12th and University. Then, I would walk down to West Broadway and window-shop (or do real shopping, to the detriment of my credit...). It's the best.